
Thinking of Buying or Selling Your House?

Two things happen in the Summer – the flowers spring up, as do all the signs indicating people have their homes for sale. This year you may be affected if you are thinking of buying or selling a house. If you are involved in this process, there are a number of things of which you…


New Years Resolution: Update My Health Care Directive and Living Will

Effective October 1, 2006, the Connecticut Legislature amended Connecticut’s health care decision making statutes. These amendments include, among other changes: The combination of the authority of the health care agent and the power of attorney for health care decisions into one unified proxy known as the “health care representative”; The expansion of the scope of…


Starting Your New Business — Checklist

Before you go out and start working your way to fame and fortune, it is important that you first consider all the things you need to do before you start your business. You have to make a series of key decisions about how you are going to operate your business. PREPARE A BUSINESS PLAN AND…


Selling or Refinancing Your Home?

Did you know that… Whenever you sell real estate in Connecticut you must pay a town conveyance tax of $2.50 per each $1,000 value of property being sold (in a limited numbers of towns it equals $5.00 per $1,000.00!!); as well as, a state conveyance tax calculated at $5.00 per $1,000.00 of sales price. Both…


The Risks and Rewards of Buying Foreclosed Properties

Not a weekend goes by in these economic times when there is not an advertisement in our local paper concerning the auction of some piece of property that is being foreclosed. Everyone knows that you can usually purchase foreclosed property at a relatively cheap price to the regular fair market value, but not everyone realizes…


How Healthy is Your Business?

I know that there is a lot of emphasis about Health and Well Being and one would assume that it would focus on human beings but I am not in that business. My job is to worry about your business from a legal viewpoint and you need to know that there are a lot of…


How to Buy Foreclosed Property

Not a weekend goes by these days when there is not an advertisement in our local paper concerning the auction of property that is being foreclosed. Everyone knows that you can purchase foreclosed property at a relatively cheaper price compared to the regular fair market value. But not everyone realizes that there are also some…