The One About The Mobster
For years two brothers — ONE LAWYER and the other a deaf-mute accountant — worked for a mobster. Whenever the mobster and the accountant needed to communicate, the lawyer brother would use sign language and serve an an interpreter.
One day the mobster realized his books were short three million dollars. He called in the two brothers. Looking at the lawyer and pointing to the accountant, he screamed, “You tell this son-of-a-bitch I want to know where my money is!”
The brothers conversed briefly, and the lawyer reported that his brother had no idea what the mobster was talking about.
Furious, the mobster put a gun to the accountant’s head and screamed at the lawyer brother, “Tell this bastard that he lets me know — right now — where the damn money is or I’ll blow his brains out!”
The lawyer told his to his brother, who immediately explained — in frantic sign language — that the money was hidden in a suitcase under his basement steps.
“Well? What’d he say?” yelled the mobster.
The lawyer shrugged, “He says you don’t have the guts”.